Who uses consultants and why?

Nearly every company can use a consulting firm at some point. We typically engage with clients who are wanting to take their business to the next level, build a management team or simply work through a situation and need another set of eyes on the problem.

We offer three primary types of consulting.

  • Turnaround – When businesses have come up against an extraordinary problem and ordinary solutions won’t resolve the situation. More often than not, when we are brought in on a turnaround situation we can resolve the issue and get the client back on solid ground.
  • Improvement – Getting from good to great means looking at not just what you do, but looking deeper at how we can improve upon those processes. Examples include taking a machine shop from producing at $84 per man hour to $108 per man hour in 8 weeks, taking a mechanical contractor from 55% field efficiency to 75% in 4 weeks.
  • Managed Growth – Everyone likes to grow, but not managing growth correctly can lead to big problems, leaving you with a larger top line, but the same or smaller bottom line.